Saturday, September 25, 2010

When I had loss both my Uncle and Grandma I gave them a poem to share.

Will the memories stay?
so many have gone
a better place most say
but I miss them
I want them
those are my memories
will I remember when I'm older
memory decay
gone too fast
too fast to realize
I love you
how I miss them
too close to my heart
now gone
pulling at the seams of me
never let me go
I'll never let you go
Throughout middle school I was part of the Concert and Jazz Band. I loved playing the saxophone it was a new kind of release. But as I went into high school many people discouraged me from going back into band. I still regret till this day that I didn't. I was told academics would bring me success. I finished Chemistry, Math and Biology, but my mind kept wandering back to the time were I played my solos.


Fear grows inside me
it rises up like I'm a monster
the lights blind me
I can't see the crowd
I hear the music begin to dim
begin to silence
for me
I'm screaming on the inside
it's hot everywhere
I feel like I'm inside a candle
the music drops to a whisper
I panic as I stand
I enter quick
the notes flow
this is the feeling
the feeling I love
but too soon
too soon it's over
squinting through the crowd
the lights
I see faces
my parents
the lights blind me again
but I saw grins

Back in 2007 my Grandma had passed away and she was the most inspirational woman. She was my best friend and the nicest person. She passed away on April 18, and soon another disaster occurred... my Uncle June died in a motorcycle accident in the Philippines on April 20. Within the same week two very important people died and left my life. I did write one poem for my Grandma Violet during this time and the feelings for losing both of these people went into this poem. I'll never forget how amazing these two were.

Violets are Sweet

Grandma your my violet
we're together
our names connect us
and so do our hearts
I miss you
and I always will
I still celebrate October 1st
that day you graced the earth
it was a beautiful sunny day
the birds sang for you
You were my best
Best friend..
Best Grandma
My Violets are sweet

English 116

So I remember in Grade 11 our teacher made us write poems everyday before class, so I decided to write my on the movie "Into The Wild" cause I watched it the night before and really enjoyed it. I didn't think it was the best poem, but by the next class the teacher had approached me and said she loved it. She also thought it was a poem about my brother and how he went on an adventure, but lets just keep to the fact that she liked it. So here's my poem from my Grade 11 mind..... Wild Christopher

Wild Christopher

You leave everything
love, family and anything familiar
You leave to find yourself
for months at a time
the ones you love believe you missing
closing yourself in
You need to discover
sleeping in the dirt
You smile
So happy to be close to the earth
name changes
meeting new smiling faces
who strangers could be so kind
But soon
You find your lonely
the familiar leaves that hugged you
are now black walls isolating
time passes
a year grows
You finally discover
the concept of happiness
that you need to share
now you will be happy
but time passed
Your too late
a great adventure was your life
but you've poisoned your body
a mistake to your mind
But you leave crying
Happy tears
good life Christopher
good life.